Lithographie-Werkstatt Eichstaett
Lithography Workshop Eichstaett
L’Atelier de Lithographie d’Eichstaett
Visual art and Interdisciplinarity
In project-related work contexts, the lithographic medium will figure side by side with other
art forms. Thus, the lithographic image, film, dance, language, music, and sculpture may meet.
These are events in the workshop as well as the surrounding urban space and the sacred space of churches and monasteries - the public space.
The option of realizing  artists’  portfolios forms the bibliophilic frame of reference
for visual images and language.
2001 - Day of Literature at the Lithography Workshop
“Books from Eichstätt, on Eichstätt, by residents of Eichstätt”
Public reading: Akos Doma (Eichstätt), “Der Müssiggänger” [The Idler]
A series of interdisciplinary events, in collaboration with the Media Center of the Diocese of Eichstätt
2003 “CLAIR-OBSCUR” - Silent movies:
“Entr’ acte” René Clair, “Un Chien Andalou” Luis Buñuel, “Anemic Cinema” Marcel Duchamp,
“Rhythmus” 21, 23 and “Vormittagsspuk” Hans Richter
Saxophone: Wolfhard Metz (Munich)
Public readings: Akos Doma reads Hungarian poetry of the 1920s and 1930s,
Uli Ackermann (Eichstätt) recites texts by Else Lasker-Schüler
Exhibition: “Woodcuts” Ulrich Koch (Halle), accompanied by a lecture: “Puns and the Visual Image of Letters” Gisela Koch
Exhibition: “ScherenschnittSie - StempeltextEr” Li Portenlänger (Eichstätt) with
Michael Harre (Bremen) who is reading his Poetry.
“STADT - FILM - BILDER” 2004 - “METROPOLIS” by Fritz Lang
Silent movie, reconstructed original version, with music
Introduction: Dr. Andreas Hochholzer (Eichstätt)
Exhibition: Li Portenlänger (Eichstätt)
“STADT - FILM - BILDER” 2005 - “Man With a Movie Camera” by Dziga Vertov
Silent movie, with original music
Text collage: Dr. Michael Kleinherne (Eichstätt)
Russian: Natalija Sovilova (Eichstätt)
Exhibition: “Hommage à Dziga Vertov”
Ingrid Ledent (Antwerpen)
“TOWN – FILM – IMAGES” 2006 JAPAN - “Kurutta ippeiji” by Kinugasa Teinosuke
Silent movie, with music
“Fremde eigene Moderne” [Strange Own Modernity], on Japan in the 1920s
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner (Munich)
Exhibition: “Stone Prints” Chiho Kuroki (Bruxelles) with an Introduction by Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner, Japan Center (Munich)
2004 - “The Kranenburg Poems”- Book presentation
Art works: Angelo Evelyn (Rotterdam)
Poetry and Poetry Reading: Andreas Weiland (Aachen)
2004  “FIGURENFELD - Erfahren, Erinnern”
Presentation of artists’ portfolio in the context of the exhibition
Lithographies and paintings - Angelo Evelyn (Rotterdam)
Computer photography - Luc Piron (Leuven/ Louvain)
Lithographies - Li Portenlänger (Eichstätt)
 Library of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Bibliophilic artists’ portfolio with lithographies and texts situated in the context of the Land Art ensemble of sculptures “Figurenfeld” created by Alois Wünsche-Mitterecker
Lecture and guided visit of the location: Dr. Raimund Wünsche (Munich)
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Visual Art and Interdisciplinary Approaches

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