Open Workshop
During the day of the open atelier the lithography workshop offers demos and explanations of the lithographic process to interested visitors.
Presenting historic printing stones and lithographic prints, the workshop informs about the significance of lithography in the historic context of industrial printing and about its meaning with regard to graphic arts.
From the very beginning when “Chemische Druckerey” [Chemical Printing] was invented by
Aloys Senefelder in 1798, artists have been interested in the potential of this process of reproduction.
In London as well as Paris, famous print workshops originated during the 19th century.
In the Eastern hemisphere, we encounter a different historical fate of lithography. In China, for example, it is now the second generation of artists that has discovered lithography in the art schools. For them, lithography is brand-new and very much up-to-date.
It was industrial printing relying on the lithographic process which, during the early 20th century, confronted the Chinese public with a flood of information about Western areas and cultures.
Since the late 20th century,the technique of stone printing is increasingly being taught
by art academies as part of the education they offer.The material used is invariably “German” lithographic stone.
The relationship with this type of stone is very present in the Eichstätt area. It is the omnipresent sight of slagheaps of limestone that dot the landscape, of traditional stone-made dwellings typical of the Jura region, and of stonen monuments in urban as well as
in sacred space which creates this very special relationship.
An approach relying on the visual technique of lithographic printing constitutes an extraordinary chance to create by way of this access point - stone as the material of the surrounding environment - a direct contact with contemporary visual forms.
The Annual Print
At the end of each year, a special edition of an art work presenting a subject chosen from the cityscape of Eichstätt or from the adjacent landscape will be printed.
In this way, everybody will have the possibility to acquire a work of artistic quality presenting
a well-known, native motif, at an affordable price.
Annual prints 1999 - 2020
Angelo Evelyn, Rotterdam, NL
Robert Reiter, Coburg, DE
Luc Piron, Leuven, BE
Els Patoor, Brussel, BE
Ernst Arnold Bauer, Eichstaett, DE
Wolfgang Schmitz, Wuppertal, DE - Jubiläums-Jahresdruck 2008
Angelo Evelyn, Rotterdam, NL - Jubiläums-Jahresdruck 2008
Li Portenlänger, Eichstaett, DE
Matthias Schlüter, Regensburg, DE
Carla Neis, Bern, CH
Renate Gehrke, Pappenheim, DE
Bodo Rott, Berlin, DE
Ciryl Bihain, Brüssel, BE
SabineWimmer, Eichstaett, DE
Walter Dohmen, Langerwehe, DE
Aleksandra Kargul, Edinburgh, UK
Jodi Le Bigre, Edinburgh, UK - Jahresdruck 2018 - 20 Jahre Lithographie-Werkstatt Eichstaett
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