Interdisciplinary project 2008              

This project is initiated by the Lithography Workshop Eichstaett. It is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach.
By collaborating with the Forum for Japanese Language and Society (Munich), an East – West perspective becomes possible.

- Media projections and performances will take place in the ‘ramparts garden’ (Bastionsgarten) of Eichstaett.  
- Panels, graphic art and digital movies shown indoors (in the various exhibition rooms) will present forms of contemporary art inspired by the theme of the project.

- The Zen Garden introduces us to the Japanese garden art.
It offers a space for the presentation of Oriental expressive forms of visual art, dance, music and literature.

- This year’s stay of an ‘artist-in-resident’ at the Lithography Workshop Eichstaett, as well as the annual „TOWN-FILM-IMAGES“ event will also be integrated into this context. There will be an exhibition, a lecture and a (classical) film. 

- The individual events will link the specificity of both place and medium; thus, a lecture presenting historical and contemporary texts in the Hofgarten Pavilion will situate the location in a new context. 

The collaboration
- with the Forum für Sprache und Gesellschaft Japans e. V. (Munich) –- Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner, Mrs. Inge Merk
- with the University Library at the Hofgarten – Dr. Angelika Reich, Dr. Klaus Walter Littger
- with the Bastionsgarten, Schloß- und Gartenverwaltung Ansbach 
- with the Seminary „Collegium Willibaldinum“ – Dr. Josef Gehr, Mr. Hans Lehenmeier
- with the Media Center of the Diocese Eichstaett – Dr. Thomas Henke
- with the Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Eichstätt – Mrs. Huber 

allows the linkage of places connected to the history of both the origin and preservation of the „Hortus Eystettensis“ as well as an awareness of spatial relations in Eichstaett. And, above and beyond this, a glimpse of Japanese culture.

- with students of the European Studies programme at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Academic project: as part of the courses offered in the European Studies programme at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt by taking part in the academic project, interested students have the chance to contribute tot the Hortus-project. 13 students in their  fourth respectively sixth semester work together in small groups like public relations, documentation or advertisement and by this contribute to the Hortus-project. The person in charge on the part of the university is Stefanie Potsch-Ringeisen. For more information about the academic project, visit the homepage run by the students:

"Hortus Eystettensis" refers to a garden created in the early 17th Century next to the ‘Willibald’s Castle’ in Eichstaett as well as a collection of 366 large prints of plant drawings engraved on copper-plates. The present garden of Eichstaett has been laid out in the 1990s at the ‘Schmiede-Bastion’ (‘Schmiede’-ramparts; the ramparts or bulwark near the old forge) of the Willibaldsburg (‘Willibald’s Castle’). Its arrangement and combination of plants is following the logic of the arrangement of Basilius Besler’s copper-plates created in 1613. 

“Both, garden and book, presented an image of paradise.” (Klaus Walter Littger in: „Der Garten von Eichstätt“ / The Garden of Eichstaett, Taschen Publisher, 1999). 

In this project the Hortus Eystettensis functions as a point of departure for artistic translations attempted by way of contemporary media. The “WanderWunderKammer” (WanderWonderChamber), with its space-limiting concept of “Kammer” (a small, simple room), refers to the possibility of exploring different worlds, starting from the present. These wondrous worlds are attained through one’s own wandering movement. But, it also points out that, walking, we may experience different strata of (historical) time. 
The long history of Eichstaett offers a look at the “WunderKammer” in public space as well as in a mental and spiritual context.  

Participating artists/ scientists :

Paul Ballard 			St. Adele/Canada	           Works on paper, graphic art
Dr. Akos Doma	    	Eichstätt			Film introduction
Dr. Lorenz Gadient 		Eichstätt		           Clavichord
Dr. Michael Kleinherne	Eichstätt		           Literature, text
Prof. Dr. Martin Koeppl	Herrenberg		           Media installation, projection
Chiho Kuroki			Tokyo/Brussels		Lithography, stone panels
Dr. Klaus Walter Littger	Eichstätt		           Lecture
Karin Mels			Gent/Belgium		Digital films, installation
Els Patoor			Brussels/Belgium	           Lithography
Luc Piron			Leuven/Belgium	           Paintings, digital prints
Li Portenlänger		Eichstätt		           Lithography, dance performance
Alain Verschueren		Bruxelles/Belgium	           Lithography, performance

Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner	Munich            		Video projection, texts, sound installation
Carl Mirwald-Cami Tokujiro  Munich		           Sounds, sound installation, chanting
Aiko Okamoto		Munich             		Visuals
Tomma Galonska		Munich	            	Words
Masako Ohta			Munich		           Piano
Sayuri Tronsberg		Munich 		           Classical Ballet
Eiko Hayashi			Munich		           Japanese Dance
Paul Amrod			Munich		           Music, composition

Curator W :
Li Portenlänger		Project director Lithography Workshop Eichstaett
Concept, preparation :
Karin Mels, Gent and Li Portenlänger

Curator O :
Dr. Peter Pörtner		Chairman of the “Forum für Sprache und Gesellschaft Japans e. V. ”
Concept, preparation :
Inge Merk, München and Peter Pörtner


Wednesday  July 16, 2008 – Sunday  September 26, 2008

Wed 16. 7. 08   daytime                Gotik der Volksbank Eichstätt -  Media installation
					Exhibition duration „Flores sacrae“ 16. 7. – 26. 9. 2008    
					Martin Koeppl		Media

		    5 p.m.		Media Center of the Diocese  - Paintings, Digital prints, Digital film
					Exhibition duration  “Round the roses“	17. 7. – 26. 9. 2008
					Luc Piron		           Paintings, Digital prints
					8:30 - 12 a.m. Mon, Tue, Thu and Fr
					2 – 4 p.m. Mo, Tue, Thu and Wed
					Schoolholidays by appointment: Tel. 08421/50651
		5 p.m.		           Collegium Willibaldinum - Lithography, Stone
					Exhibition duration  “RaumGarten“ 17. 7. – 26. 9. 2008
					Li Portenlänger		Lithography
					8 – 12 a.m., 1 – 5 p.m. Mon - Fr
7 p.m.		          Hofgartenpavillon 
			          Prologue: "nobody knows from him”
			          Garden in Literature and Literature in Garden, Textcollage 
Michael Kleinherne	           Recitation

		7:30 p.m.	          	University Library am Hofgarten 
					Central opening of the HORTUS Exhibition
         	Exhibition duration: 17- 7 – 26- 9- 2008
					8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mon - Fr
					Paul Ballard		           Works on paper, graphic art
					Chiho Kuroki		           Lithography, stone panels
					Karin Mels		           Digital films, Installation
					Els Patoor		           Lithography
                                                      Lecture: "Der Hortus Eystettensis als Wunderkammer"
 Dr. Klaus Walter Littger, Mandatary Leader of the University Library
		9 p.m.		           University Library am Hofgarten – courtyard wall		
					Videoprojection Zen-Garden – Japan – Tokyo 
					Prof. Dr. Peter Pörtner, Japan Center Munich

Fr 18. 7.08	4 p.m.			Exhibition parcours HORTUS
					Guided visit with Corinna Feucht and Jacqueline Koller
                                   		Starting point: Gotik der Volksbank (Marktplatz Eichstaet) to the Media Centre of the Diocese Eichstaett,
                                                      to the Collegium Willibaldinum, to the University Library am Hofgarten

Sat 19. 7.08	9 p.m.			Atelier am Salzstadel 1 – Opening of the exhibition
					Exhibition duration:  19. 7. – 3. 8. 2008
 "Herbs from Garden – Lithography"
 Alain Verschueren	           Lithography	
					9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 2 - 6 p.m. Mon - Fr
                                                      9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 3 - 5 p.m. Sat
					9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sun

		9:45 p.m.	           Hof Krebshaus am Salzstadel – TOWN-FILM-IMAGES
					Filmintroduction : dr. Akos Doma - and Film
					”Last Year at Marienbad” 
 Alain Resnais after a Novel by Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1961 France/ Italy

Sun 20. 7.08	11 a.m.		Bastionsgarten: Towers – Sound installation
					Peter Pörtner		            Sound
4 p.m.		           Bastionsgarten – Performance „Oasis portables“
					Alain Verschueren	           Performance
            Bastionsgarten - Text on Plants: Japanese Poets 
					(in bowls offered to visitors)
		8 – 12 p.m.	           Façade Volksbank – „Flow/ flower“
					Projektion duration  20. 7. – 3. 8. 2008
					Martin Koeppl		  Media projektion

Sun 7. 9.08	11 a.m.		Residence Grisaille room – Matinee: „in d – Arkady“		
					Lorenz Gadient		  Clavichord
					Li Portenlänger		  Dance performance

		3 p.m.    		Horse riding hall – Visuals and Music
"Ishi, Koke, Konton" or "Stone, Moss, Chaos"
 Cami Tokujiro		  Music & Singing  
 Aiko Okamoto		  Visuals

		from 3 p.m.	           Bastionsgarten – Projection
					Karin Mels		             Digital film

5 p.m.    	           Bastionsgarten:			
            Epilogue: ”The Gardener in East and West”
					Dr. Michael Kleinherne	  Dialogue			
					Dr. Peter Pörtner		     Dialogue

8 p.m.		           Residenz Mirror room – „ÜBERSEEZUNGEN“
					Text by Yoko Tawada
					Tomma Galonska	Word
					Masako Ohta		Piano

Fr 26. 9.08    4 p.m.			Finissageparcours HORTUS
                                                      Guided visit with Corinna Feucht and Jacqueline Koller	
				           Starting point: University Library am Hofgarten, to the Collegium Willibaldinum, to the Media Center of the Diocese,
                                                      to the Gotik der Volksbank Eichstaett				
                                                      Paul Ballard		Paper, graphic art
					Chiho Kuroki		Lithography, stone panels
					Karin Mels		Digital films, Installation
					Els Patoor		Lithography
					Li Portenlänger	Lithography
					Luc Piron		Painting, Digital print
					Martin Koeppl	Media

		6:30 p.m.	           Gotik der Volksbank Eichstaett
					Finissage of the HORTUS project
					Film by Karin Mels (film developed during project duration)

		8 p.m.    		Residence Mirror room - Dance and Music		
”The Nightingale and the Rose” (Fairy-taile by Oscar Wilde):
					Eiko Hayashi		           Japanese Dance
      					Sayuri Tronsberg 	           Classical Ballet
					Paul Amrod		           Music

Programme in collaboration:  
Lithography Workshop Eichstaett and Forum für Sprache und Gesellschaft Japans e.V.						 

Copyright: Li Portenlänger, Eichstätt/ Peter Pörtner, München 

Links :

                                                                  © Karin Mels                                            © Li Portenlänger            

                                                  © Karin Mels                                                           © Karin Mels


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L’Atelier de Lithographie d’Eichstaett